Virtual Private Yoga

Private yoga is a one-on-one yoga class with you and a yoga teacher. Virtual private yoga is exactly the same, except our session will take place over Zoom or another video conferencing platform. I will contact you before the session to ask what you want to work on, and then I will design a class especially for you. Even though we are not together in the same space, I will help you set up your session to get the most out of our work. I may recommend that you gather your props, light a candle, or turn on soft music to create a healing environment for yourself. Then we will work on whatever your goal is for that day, whether it is pain reduction, increased flexibility, or just relaxation. I will use a combination of different techniques, including hatha yoga sequences, vinyasa flows, functional movement or core work, guided meditation, or self-massage instruction – whichever tools support the mission of that day’s session. 

Private yoga has many benefits, including reduced muscle tension and stress and anxiety reduction; improved flexibility, posture, and strength; and recovery from injury. Private yoga is ideal for beginners. You can learn the basics of yoga alignment, which will help you prevent injury when you go to public yoga classes. Private yoga is also great if you are healing from an existing injury or dealing with a physical limitation. Discovering how you can modify poses or learning what other options are available to you can be empowering and give you the courage you need to pursue your own yoga practice. 

Working one-on-one as opposed to attending a larger public group class is also wonderful if you want to focus on wellness-related goals, such as better sleep, reducing anxiety or depression, or maintaining mobility while living with chronic pain or fatigue. There are many tools from the yoga tradition to help with these issues – such as breathing techniques, guided meditation, and supportive poses – that are often skipped in public group classes due to time constraints or goals of the larger group. However, in private yoga, we can spend the session focusing on any aspect of yoga that benefits you the most. 

Rates: (Members get discounts on all private yoga sessions, learn more here)
30 minutes = $36
45 minutes = $48
60 minutes = $68
90 minutes = $96

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