Virtual Studio

The Mindful Movement with Mary Virtual Studio is an online wellness space designed to help support your health and wellness goals using the tools of yoga, functional movement, self-massage, and guided meditation.

Consider it your online oasis, a place where you can come to learn and heal. A place to explore movement and stillness, relaxation and stamina, flexibility and strength until you find the perfect balance for your body. 

Almost every condition that ails us (especially chronic illnesses and pain) can be improved by regular movement and intentional relaxation. But developing a daily routine that prioritizes these elements is challenging in our contemporary society; that is why I created this on-demand wellness studio. 

I have personally experienced the benefits of daily yoga and self-massage in managing two chronic illnesses, so I wanted to create a place where you can find tools and techniques to fit into your life on a regular basis so that you can build a life filled with vitality and radiant wellbeing.

Enter Virtual Studio

There are two main ways to experience the Virtual Studio:


Membership gives you full access to an on-demand library of over 135 classes in yoga, self-massage and guided meditation ranging from 5-60 minutes. I add new classes to the library every month, and provide you with a playlist of suggested classes each week. In addition, members receive discounts on my other courses and workshops, and on private sessions with me. You can subscribe on a daily, monthly, or annual basis. 

Courses, workshops and program

I also create special topic courses and host workshops or longer programs. Any that are currently available are located in the Virtual Studio Shop for you to purchase anytime. 

Check out this guided video tour of the Virtual Studio for more information.

Enter Virtual Studio