What is Self-Massage?

Self-Massage is exactly what it sounds like: you are able to give yourself a massage. How great is that? Some of you are rolling your eyes and muttering that it is not great at all and you’d rather visit your massage therapist, thank you very much. I totally get that! I looooove my massage therapist too; but how often do we see them? Once a month? Every couple of weeks? Wouldn’t it be amazing to get a massage every week, or every day? We all carry tension, stress, and even pain in our bodies, and I believe it is the most empowering feeling to be able to alleviate that tension all by ourselves, whenever we need to. 

There is an even greater benefit to self-massage: you have complete control. You can do exactly what your body needs, in exactly the right spot, with exactly the right amount of pressure. Plus, the more you practice the art of listening to your tissues, the more information your body will start giving you about what it needs and how you can help it function better. 

There are many self-massage tools and systems on the market today, and they all have their merits. I have personally found The Roll Model Method designed by Jill Miller of Tune-up Fitness to be the most effective. In 2019, I became a Certified Roll Model Practitioner so I can teach you how to massage yourself using these innovative techniques.

The system utilizes a set of four different sized therapy balls, and combines modern research on myofascial release with more traditional massage techniques and stretches to help you increase your athletic performance, relieve musculoskeletal pain, or relax and unwind. 

If you are interested in learning more about this work, check out the sample videos on my YouTube channel or schedule a virtual session with me. We will work one-on-one to get to the root of your discomfort and tension and leave you with the tools you need to continue the work on your own.

If you want to purchase the therapy balls that I use in my sessions, please use this affiliate link.  Below is an introduction to the different therapy balls:


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